Condition According to the subjects, whereas the hardest the first day. The thoughts in this period revolve around alcohol. Gradually a desire to drink go away, work and the active allows you to avoid the problems. Case complicated by the fact that the friends, acquaintances, a habit still in the invited to the parties, drunken celebrations. Drop hard, especially when your friends begin to have and fun to discredit the idea that a sober lifestyle. If you can resist, then it'll be easier. A very good friend, don't turn away, if they declare that the alcohol avoid.

How to drinking?
You can expect That the person who spent thirty sober days:
- Changing taste sensations familiar dishes tastier the food will no longer be "snack" and a positive additional source of an emotion;
- increase your concentration – after 30 days, without the alcohol, the book publishing activity has improved almost 18%, reflecting not only the concentration of the attention, but also the memory, the ability to make quick decisions, etc.;
- a normal sleep who starts to see vivid dreams, some just sleep like a log all night, the next morning, well rested;
- increase the stress resistance – contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a strong sedative, which means that drinkers have to suffer harder blows of fate, and the force majeure. Only After 35 days of sobriety a solution to a complex life problems in an easier, a stressful situations are not taken to a heart;
- improves physical performance – those who play sports, noting that total abstinence, the alcohol gives a nice boost to body the development.
But for those who are far from the physical education, the following: climb the stairs, will become easier, encouraging Hiking, don't mind physical work brings a pleasant fatigue, not a painful fatigue. Those who drink alcohol on a work over time you realize that you start drinking again, desires not, I don't have to. Contrasting drunk and sober life, many choose the latter become abnormal drinkers. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to relax without drinking. Love is such A often develop alcohol dependence. All alcoholic beverages will adversely affect the entire body. Ethyl alcohol is irritating to the mucous membrane of the internal organs, disrupting the gastro-intestinal tract, overloading of the kidney, the liver, and the breathing may brain.

Drinking allows you to relax forget about the negative thoughts. Abuse leads to total degradation and death. It is worth to pay for the fun with your own health? After all, the benefits of sobriety is obvious. Medical statistics, the state says, the people who are not alcohol, not face:
- intoxication;
- diseases of the heart, the liver;
- delirium tremens;
- breaking.
You need to drink in moderation
If you don't drink, you don't get the question, "How to drink in moderation?". During strong intoxication possible intoxication, with all its consequences. A sober person didn't put the heart, liver, and brain are under attack. The person, whose sobriety of life — a norm, never the face, alcohol addiction. Benefits The The a the the sober face. Intoxicating drinks not only adversely affect the internal organs, affect but to a person's appearance. The drinker is easy to learn. Bags under the eyes, the face becomes puffy, the skin takes on a gray tint, the hair is brittle it becomes, and boring. Choosing a life without alcohol, you can choose the youth, beauty.
Drinkers often alone. They lose their jobs, the friends, the family. Choose a sober lifestyle, such problems are not terrible. The ability to bear and raise healthy children — this is another important advantage to give up the alcohol. According to the statistics, the ethanol lost, mutilated many children's lives. Life without alcohol can be bright, colorful. How to have fun, not to drink? A lot of worthy alternatives to "weekend alcoholic". Make the most of the weekend, then:
- select to the high company;
- a got nature;
- to travel;
- visit the tour in his hometown.
Can't live without communication? Then find a company where there is no alcohol in the first place. Spending good time together with your family. A company can be a great for children. Charged healthy, positive, playing a game of monopoly or the foci. Children's entertainment, and then remove the grief, to learn, to have fun without alcohol. Sammi doesn't help to dispel the thoughts as the fresh air. How to relax without alcohol, a got nature? Come True your dream, jump and a, or a learn to fly a kite. Extreme sports holidays If you don't like it, you can go on a camping overnight, or go for a swim in the lake on a boat. Done weekend you get a lot of positive emotions unforgettable.

Can't live without travel? A new portion of impressions in every city. Optional fly, expensive Island, you can go for a little trip to a nearby city, explore the attractions. How to relax without a drink? If you like the classics, you can go to or a theatre exhibition. If it makes you bored, includes movies, concerts, a popular team. Such An interesting, fun weekend fog remember for a long time.
If it's Friday get-togethers with friends at the bar is a norm, then it is time to change this tradition, and to learn how to relax without alcohol. How can home and rest? To relieve the stress after a week busy will help you a hot bubble bath, favorite music, movies, a good or a massage. Avoid To help alcohol is an interesting book, or a computer game. This is the kind of holiday that makes your brain work better. A good night's sleep, it is guaranteed. To drink or not drink alcoholic beverages, individual choice of the man the final decision will be yours. Those who are in the first place, not alcohol, but pleasant joy of living a long time is healthy lifestyle to catch a bright day to all the notes.
Alcohol abstinence
A Modern society has a habit of celebrating all that large drinking amounts of alcohol, be it beer, champagne, vodka, domestic beer or a tincture. Saying: "Alcohol in small quantities is harmless in any amount" this isn't funny, just like old times. We use, sometimes lethal dose, then the struggle of life not the doctor. To buy alcohol, drink going to be the norm.
The first attempt to get rid of the alcohol-related often do not correspond to your expectations, because what the hand is reduced, it seems that no longer make sense. But the realization is clear that the fact that a number of problems — a ray of hope, and this is an ad powerful boost of energy to permanently remove alcohol in your daily life. You need to exert a maximum effort to the objectives they will demonstrate to you fully. As life passes, the ill-fated urge to have something to drink, stronger, updated circle of friends, a fog to appear on the new interest, Hobby, family will be a wonderful tradition for the children's delight, that the the results in school, sports, art.

Health every day back to mist to return to normal, the internal organs, the function is active, the robot's brain is more effective. Studies have shown that an alcoholic that I don't, I don't regret about the choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, but the years spent in an ill-fated alcohol to erase the memory forever. In order to Avoid a repeat failure, I regularly use the anti-alcoholic preparations, which are sold in a free market. The ideal solution would be to have a daily practice that resulted in the blood, the adrenaline, endorphins the hormones of happiness.
- Changing taste sensations. I know the food is delicious, the food ceases to be the appetizer, and begins to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
- Improves the quality of sleep. The next morning, the patient feels rested.
- Increase the concentration. It's easier to decide to focus on.
- Physical indicators are rising. Stairs Patients, walking down the streets. Physical work brings a pleasant fatigue, not fatigue.
- Increase the stress resistance. The problems are not taken seriously.
To refrain from intoxicating they drink is not simple as it seems. A mode stage of alcoholism get rid of a bad habits by willpower. Alcohol Abstinence 2-3 stage going on harder, but much more painful.
Treatment methods
Every day, without the abuse of ethanol is a small victory. The first changes visible in 30 positive life without alcohol:

- Changing taste sensations. I know the food is delicious, the food ceases to be the appetizer, and begins to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
- Improves the quality of sleep. The next morning, the patient feels rested.
- Increase the concentration. It's easier to decide to focus on.
- Physical indicators are rising. Stairs Patients, walking down the streets. Physical work brings a pleasant fatigue, not fatigue.
- Increase the stress resistance. The problems are not taken seriously.
A few works after a sober, they're a person who finds out that she began to live better. Ceased to depend on the alcohol, a view of the former friends "by misfortune". Tonight, after work, alcohol is not necessary to relax. There is a huge selection of entertainment other, not less interesting.
Why drink alcohol if it's harmful?
The society strongly supported the idea that drinking slowly, in moderation, is completely acceptable, and even useful.
Drink, the stars of the show-business, actors, politicians, powerful people, neighbor, Peter, 5 apartments.
And what I've done, I than all the better. The biggest, the most dangerous misconception is the idea that a glass or two of beer, a tough week end with a well-deserved, in Fact, mandatory!
Sneaky It's the alcohol, the drugs, woven into our lives slowly, gradually displacing all the other fun.

Interest strongly heats up the attitude to this society. So much to talk about, but I don't judge you. If you make a mistake, you just go to a nearby bar or shopping, have fun with your friends. This has become part of the culture. For example, the life all started with the fact that sweet liquor with a new friend.
The children, especially the Teenagers, or to see what surrounds them, but most of you already know, why don't I first tried the poison.
I've seen dozens of holidays, where the adults drink and a laugh, a TV series where a romantic couple's most important is a moment in the life of keeping bottles of champagne.
I'm more than sure that the environment is given a [main_menu] [similar to images, which are so firmly entrenched on a subconscious to not notice.
How to stop drinking, the total of alcohol? The main idea of what we want to convey to stop it, and again notice what happens in the real world. And here, very strange things.
I stopped drinking, really.
How to stop drinking, a profile section? At this stage, the physical addiction does not occur and the withdrawal syndrome is poorly defined. Strong drinks are brought, especially with the holidays, gatherings with friends or after a hard day. Relax, have fun, without drinking. A company in the alcohol substitute non-alcoholic drinks (iced tea, coffee, cola, energy drink, Cola). There's a lot of cocktail recipes that do not contain alcohol.

You can begin Your life, improve in every respect. The biggest change, probably, to change your circle of friends. Some companies will be hard the first, who doesn't drink, they find out or if it's just a community celebration. In my case, it was not thought that, when I was walking mainly in the rockers or bikers, though, there is no doubt that many of you don't drink. Not a tie between the creative elite, freestyle artists. Finally, But when he decided on this step, except for a few dozen phone calls-invitations, everything was gone. Yeah, I don't regret for a loyal like that just friends. In this case, it Is likely to be the same a change of scenery.
A "filter out", and that life, if it's a mess a people hanging around. But that doesn't mean that it is not necessary to be present at the table, where to use it. On the contrary, you will see that fun can be without supporters, if you're in good company. Will be a lot of free time, in twice the think I also, what to do. Find a new hobby, which delays the head. I decided to sport for hours to watch the videos on a high exercise technique, of course, exercise. Jump First a to a or picture to draw, inspired by the rise. The most important thing— that for the first few months. Try to train yourself to drink more plain water, without gas, with a switch to healthy eating.